.The FlexCommunity
With the FlexCommunity, the EU H2020 projects edgeFLEX, FEVER and Platone are introducing a platform to collaborate with other projects and stakeholders that work on exploiting flexibilities in the energy system.
The goal of the FlexCommunity is to create a bigger impact by joining forces. We want to:
- gain a comprehensive understanding of the similarities and differences of the technical approaches,
- strengthen cooperation in the development and implementation of advanced organisational structures and business models like energy communities,
- align terminology and communication efforts.
Putting together the puzzle pieces at FlexCommunity Conference 2023!
The FlexCommunity Conference was packed with many interesting and fruitful discussions. In his welcome address, Mark Van Stiphout emphasised the importance of the FlexCommunity, followed by the keynote speaker Michele de Nigris who pointed out the importance of flexibility to the energy system. The panel discussion on the topic of harvesting flexibilities and existing hurdles with moderator Ludwig Karg and the panellists Ercole De Luca, Lola Alacreu García, Prof. Dr. Antonello Monti and Dr. Sonja Klingert opened the floor for three interactive parellel workshops to describe flexibility needs, types of provision and citizen groups. The puzzle pieces were then put together in the plenary session to find the touching points of those topics. As a main point of the discussion, it has turned out that people are the ones who take an important role in the success of the energy transition and are therefore the ones who must be involved more. Starting with education and letting them take responsibility but also making it financially profitable to participate in a flexible energy system. With those findings, the participants concluded the first day.
The second day was dedicated to the FlexGroups Meetings and the cooperative agenda setting for 2023. The different groups discussed on how their work in each FlexGroup can look like during the next year, how they can further contribute to the success of the FlexCommunity and how the FlexCommunity can live on after the main supporting projects come to an end.
Date: 2nd February 2022
Time: 13:30 - 17:00
Register here for the event and bring your knowdledge to the table when we are kicking off the FlexCommunity!
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1. Welcome and introduction of the FlexCommunity
Presentation of purpose, organisations, subgroups and planning by Ludwig Karg (B.A.U.M. Consult) and welcome address by Achille Hannoset (European Commission DG Energy)
2. Socrates or Plato – whom shall the future energy system follow?
Panel discussion with Prof. Antonello Monti (RWTH Aachen), Christopher Schneider (Stadtwerk Hassfurt), Esther Hardi (Energy community 2030.nu) and Todor Galev (Center for the Study of Democracy in Sofia)
3. Establishing collective flexibility management and trading
Presentation of use case & joint discussion in breakout sessions on: technology and standards, market and business organisation, involving citizens and enterprises, national and local policies
See the detailed agenda here.